Home People Our new Trail 43 Ambassador: Gilda Catalina

Our new Trail 43 Ambassador: Gilda Catalina

by Erik Pragt

Trail 43 is an organisation which has a mission to promote sustainable living, with a focus on trail running. When we talk about sustainable, we mean it in a broad way, such as a general way of doing good for the planet, in a social and ecological way. While on this mission, we’re searching for like-minded and driven individuals with share our passions. And as such, we’d incredibly happy to introduce our first Trail 43 Ambassador, Gilda Catalina, from Mexico. We’ve met Gilda in China while attending the Great Wall of China Marathon, where we had an immediate connection, and now, many years later, we’re incredibly blessed to have Gilda on board, and be our first Ambassador. Welcome Gilda!

What better way to introduce Gilda then by having an interview with her? If you have any questions yourself, or want to congratulate Gilda, please leave a message in the comments, we’d appreciate it dearly!

How did you get into trail running?

After running my first 42km on the Great Wall of China Marathon in 2014.

Why did you keep running?

Because every time I complete a new challenge I gain confidence and want more distance and see how strong I am and my improvements.

What is your go to training meal?

White rice (starch), olives, Serrano ham, pozol (Mexican fermented beverage), coca tea, coffee, water with some salt and honey, chocolate (85% cacao).

What music do you listen to while running?

My breath, heart and environment sounds. I don’t listen to music while running, you need all your senses aware plus the ear plugs can infect the ears with the wax, sweat and heat.

What is your must have gadget or gear you can’t run without?

Now my Garmin because knowing which km I’m running helped to pass the check points with better time, my vest I carry 2lts of water and lots of food and my poles for races to be on time to the checkpoints.

What do you think about when you are trail running?

To be on time on the checkpoints before the cut. Checking marks to stay on track. How’s my running technique, arms, legs, abs, back, etc. Enjoying the views.

What is your most memorable running experience to date?

Conquer the Wall both times and White Horse, I was one of the 26 women who finished the 80 km among 200 contestants.

How do you prepare for trail running and competitions?

I go with my nutritionist, I cut sugar, I eat real food, vitamins, I cut social life. I go to the gym with my coach and then I do my plan every week.

What would be your dream event/challenge?

Barkleys Marathon or Marathon Des Sables.

What was the best piece of running advice you ever received?

To have a race calendar, so when one race is over you recover and star preparing your next goal. Choose your races and be in a trail team.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to follow in your footsteps?

Go with a professional in athletics with studies and experience to have a good technique, so you get less injuries, instead of elites who turned into coaches. Also be patient and discipline.

Why made you decide to become a Trail43 ambassador?

To share my experience with more runners and bring Trail43 eco running philosophy with more people to create a community. Also I’m learning about bio dynamic agriculture to give something back to nature and watching my actions.

Thank you so much again Gilda for joining the Trail 43 organisation, and I hope we’ll be able to run together in the near future!

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