Home People On the Journey to Butterflies, Part 3

On the Journey to Butterflies, Part 3

by Gilda Catalina

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Lao Tzu.

Today was a different day. After the boost of training with the coach in Mexico city and already healed of
the left leg, my reality is that I have to keep the hard work by myself. The quote from above, which Erik
shared with me, made my day going back to discipline. I need to focus all my energy on my goal but some
days are easier than others. So, I’m doing it step by step.

There’s been only a few days since I quit macarons and wine and returning to cooked veggies and halves green bananas, watching again the intake of sugar. It is important to know if the intestine is doing it’s work. For instance, I thought I had permeable intestine and after visiting the doctor. it turned out it is stressed intestine. Which means no matter how healthy you’re eating, you’re not getting the nutrients. Always breakfast before exercising.

To increase serotonin I’m eating peeled almonds, cooked spinachs, green bananas, 100% chocolate. Also, I’m staying hydrated with sparkling water with salt and lime or tea. To sleep better I’m eating 6 pieces of pistachios due to the magnesium which helps you to relax. I stopped drinking beverages with caffeine after 6pm (like coffee, kombucha, green tea, matcha, black tea, etc), which I use before training or races and vegetarian dinner for easy digestion before going to bed.

So I walked the dogs out, did a little resistance band squats, walking reverse lunges, chest, and back. To make it more enjoyable, I practiced my handstand with a wall because I just remembered as a resolution I wanted to handstand walk. Then it took me a while to do my stretches and cool down but that’s okay, I did it and everything is starting to be in place again. Myy routine is done by heart, mind, soul, body, selfmotivation and becoming more effortless! I ended my workout by having my lunch and taking a hot shower.

Let’s do this!

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