Home Sustainability Running for the Planet, Part 2 (Sep 26, 2021)

Running for the Planet, Part 2 (Sep 26, 2021)

by Erik Pragt

Every year, Running for the Planet is organizing a run to promote a better, healthier and greener planet. On of their project is Living Source. Living Source is a project in the Jaguapirú-Bororó indigenous village in Dourados-MS, Brazil. The goal is – together with the indigenous community – ecological restoration, with emphasis on improving the quantity and quality of water, as well as preserving biodiversity through the sustainable use of natural resources. Local schools in the reserve are involved in all our activities as central partners. The pilot project covers an area of 2,8 hectares and approximately 7,000 trees will be planted.

Last year, we’ve participated in their event (we were the only 3 Australian runners that year), and in total, 333 runners took place in the event. As part of this, Running for the Planet plants 1 tree per participant, so in total, we’ve planted 333 trees towards a better planet. Since this is a goal which aligns well with our own goals, we’ve decided to join again this year, and become a partner of the organization. We’d love to get the word out, and beat out previous record of 333, and hopefully this year we get can to 500 trees!

If you want to participate in this amazing event, you can can directly register here. The event is held this Sunday, the 26th of September 2021, so register quickly. On the day of the event, just go for a run (walking is fine too!), and post your picture on social media under the hashtag #runningfortheplanet2021 on Instagram @tarahumarafans or the Facebook group.

If you need more information, you can also checkout the website!

We hope you’ll participate, so that we together can make the world a better, more positive, and above all, a greener planet!

Legs of a tarahumara runner at the Ultramaraton de los Canones in Chihuahua, Mexico .

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1 comment

best10hiking December 22, 2021 - 4:17 pm

Sounds like a great event and such a worthy cause (thumbs up). Hope it happens again.


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