Home TrailsMexico Forest Woman 2020

Forest Woman 2020

by Gilda Catalina

Forest Woman was an event for winter Solstice. Forest Woman started in Monterrey named Mountain Woman due to the location and terrain, in March 8 to celebrate Womens day. It was hosted by Conciencia Humana Mx which is dedicated to give psychological therapy. I was there to share my experience in ultrarunning and overcoming adversity. After the success of the previous event, we decided to continue this event in a different location, namely Cuernavaca. We choose this location so we had the opportunity for a hike in the woods. Yogaser, a yoga organisation, joined us with a Goddess special class to salute the moon. Our activities consisted of a women circle, bowls, yoga in a garden and Tai chi and hiking in the woods. Merrell Mexico, our sponsor, took part in giving away water bottles to the participants.

Mujer de la Montaña 😉

I brought my watch but forgot to start it so… yep! Who knows how many km we hiked?! We went
downhill to the river, which was already dry but left some beautiful moss rocks and sand. The terrain was loose and the rocks were slippery one fell down but was fine after all when you go to the mountains you fall.
We warmed up and shared the the rules of the mountain. Some of these rules are things like:

  • stay together
  • whistle or clap if you’re in need
  • greet every person (to be noticed and noticed people)
  • no ear plugs
  • ask for permission to the mountain to take care of us until we were back home

Then uphill we went into the woods where we met our Tai chi teacher to balance female and male
energy with him. After the class we kept walking till we reached the steepest area of the woods and we hit the edge. A couple of us couldn’t go further so we went back. That was our goal because all of them were beginners and we wanted to make sure to be a great experience. We will bring them back again until they become familiar with the mountains. I remembered my first contact with hills before running Conquer The Wall Marathon in 2014! And even there, on The Great Wall, without lack of experience I was able to be a finisher and it triggered my will to join to an Ultra sky running trail team!


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TrailRunner January 7, 2021 - 2:50 pm

Sounds like a fab hike. About the watch starting – I’ve done the same thing so many times. I get too excited to run or hike and it just completely slips my mind. Luckily now, I normally check my pace pretty early into a run, so if I’ve not started it, I soon realize.

Gilda Catalina January 13, 2021 - 2:55 am

Yes because I only wear my watch for races just to be in time in the checkpoint and know what km I am, so I forgot that it needs a couple of clicks to choose the activity and then started it. I guess we were so present no one asked me neither.🚶‍♀️


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