Home TrailsMexico Running for the Planet 2022 in Mexico

Running for the Planet 2022 in Mexico

by Erik Pragt

I signed up once more for Running for the Planet event! I was planning a 5k in the morning and then to catch 2hrs of yoga later in the morning, but everything changed when I turn on the TV and there was a tennis cup match for team Europe.

Then I switched to 10k running, and went for a swim instead of doing yoga. I jogged around my neighborhood with my running shoes, some old light Adidas. I only brought my watch to set the distance, my phone and my keys.

The largest hill is where my house is and it’s about 300m going up so I repeated it three times that I counted back and front, then I was in 5k and lost the counting right away. I completed the 7k before the hour and just kept going for the 10k in 1hr 17min. When running on the street the terrain is harder, so I’m taking special focus on hamstrings, psoas, glutes, back and stride. My stride is narrow due to my height and I use all my foot, from heel to toe for my step. However, when there’s steep mountains I will switch to toes. To protect my knee my step is aligned with my axis. Afterwards I remembered I have Rarámuri sandals which I could use to run, but I’m a pampered runner so only in my dreams or fashion.

I have a routine before breakfast: I drink my warm water, collagen powder, and for breakfast I had some liver and black tea, and before running a coffee with bread and olive oil. Of course I warmed up first lubricating joints and stretch and cool down in the swimming pool and swam about 35min. Since my last race in July 4th when I turned a decade of running, I’m hiking now and find myself a little heavy, so maybe it’s time to go back to the athletics team again!

Thank you from Mexico to Tarahumaras fans Running for the Planet 2022 and Trail43 for joining forces across the world and uniting us all!!!

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